The Marketing Of Madness by Dina Poursanidou and Lou Rawcliffe

‘A Journey Into Light’?  Psychiatric Drug Promotion And The Marketing Of Madness by Dina Poursanidou and Lou Rawcliffe

Dina’s voice…
Last week, as part of carrying out research into women’s mental health at  Manchester University, a colleague and I visited  a Medium Secure Unit  for women in the North West for a meeting to discuss some training for mental health nurses on the sexual and reproductive health of  women  accessing  psychiatric  care.
Secure mental health services are defined as ‘specialist services providing treatment for adults with mental disorders including personality disorders that mean that they are at significant risk of harming themselves or others. In such services, patients are detained under the Mental Health Act 1983/2007 and many, but not all, will be convicted offenders. In this context, ‘secure’ relates to the range of physical, relational and procedural measures put in place to ensure the provision of a safe and secure environment in which to deliver treatment. Read more…